Have you ever felt lied to by an insurance company who claims they can save you hundreds on car insurance simply by switching to their brand? While they may seem like empty promises, it is probably true that those companies can save some customers money, while charging others more. If your search for Wisconsin car insurance quotes has come up short of your expectations, don’t throw in the towel just yet. We’ve got the tips you need to understand what factors influence your quotes and the ways you can sidestep expensive premiums in favor of more competitive rates. Continue reading to uncover the secrets about auto coverage that really could save you hundreds.
Understanding What You Cannot Control
There are some things in life that are completely or generally beyond your control. For example, it is impossible to turn back the hands of time on your age or to erase evidence of a past car accident. As you might suspect, many factors such as your age and your history of accidents or claims are used by car insurance companies when formulating Wisconsin car insurance quotes.
For example, drivers under age 21-25 and over age 70 may be subject to higher rates due to a greater perceived risk of being involved in an at-fault accident. On the other hand, drivers between these two age brackets – particularly those over age 50 – may be rewarded by some insurers with discounted rates. Other influential factors that may be out of your control include:
- Your gender
- Your zip code
- Your occupation and level of education
- The cost to replace or repair your car
Take Advantage of That Which You Can Change
You may not be able to control everything, but you can control some things. For example, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation operates under a point system through which most violations remain on your driving record for a period of 5 years. However, some insurance companies may overlook tickets older than 3-years old, whereas others may even waive a first ticket altogether when determining your premium.
If you live in a zip code that has a higher average insurance rate than other zip codes, you could consider moving to an area with less traffic and a lower crime rate. But that isn’t practical for most people. A better idea might be to have Thiel Insurance Group look for an insurance company that does not charge as high of a rate for the area you live in. Keep in mind that average car insurance rates can vary by as much as 300 percent or more in the same state based on zip code alone.
Other tips include:
- Adopting safer driving habits
- Taking steps to raise your insurance score.
- Storing your vehicle in a garage or driveway instead of on the street
- Avoiding small or petty claims
If you are like many Wisconsin drivers, you probably want the utmost in coverage that will protect you and your assets no matter what life throws your way. While we never recommend sacrificing the quality of your coverage for lower rates, there is a way to ensure you do not pay too much for the insurance you deserve. Here at Thiel Insurance Group, we help customers obtain Wisconsin car insurance quotes from several of the state’s leading insurers. Regardless of what could be influencing your premiums, we can help you sift through your options to pinpoint the insurance company that will accommodate your special circumstances.